Mastering Risk Management Podcast
Leading practitioners in risk management share their knowledge and experiences. In each episode we'll cover topical risk issues or interview a leader in the field. Feedback and input are always welcome - tell us who you'd like to hear from and what subjects are of particular interest. Enjoy! Audio track: 'Saturn' by Marsel Minga
Mastering Risk Management Podcast
MRM Episode 100 - Gus Balbontin
It's here - episode 100 in the Mastering Risk Management Podcast!
And for this milestone episode, I wanted to bring you a very special guest. His name is Gus Balbontin, and I think you'll find him a little different from most of the other guests I've had on the program.
Gus is a keynote speaker, innovator and alternative futurist (listen to how Gus explains this) in his 'day job' and also pens a wonderful weekly newsletter, 'Rebellious Thoughts' designed to push us out of our comfort zone and towards peak performance.
This discussion has Gus sharing his vast experience, on leadership and innovation but also on looking after family. It was a fun episode to record, and I hope you have fun listening.
Thanks again to Gus for being part of the program - very much appreciated!
Many thanks also to my listeners - you don't get to 100 episodes without a loyal following and I am truly thankful and humbled that you take the time to download and listen to the program. On to the next milestone!
Cheers, Anthony
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Thanks for listening to the show and please keep your guest suggestions coming!