Mastering Risk Management Podcast
Leading practitioners in risk management share their knowledge and experiences. In each episode we'll cover topical risk issues or interview a leader in the field. Feedback and input are always welcome - tell us who you'd like to hear from and what subjects are of particular interest. Enjoy! Audio track: 'Saturn' by Marsel Minga
Mastering Risk Management Podcast
MRM Episode 96 - Philippe Humeau
You've probably heard of the concept of 'the power of the crowd' - in this episode of the Mastering Risk Management podcast, we hear about it being put to good use to battle the scourge of our online world - cyber criminals & state-sponsored hackers.
Our guest is Philippe Humeau, Founder and CEO of CrowdSec an open source, multiplayer firewall that analyses visitor behaviour and provides adapted responses to all kinds of attacks. With more than 250,000 installations across in excess of 180 countries clearly, it's an approach that works.
You'll hear about Philippe's extensive experience, from the time he got 'fired' from school, right through to his articulation of the complex, not complicated, problem that is cyber security.
Every organisation is exposed to this risk - should your business be part of the group effort to minimise the impact of this crime? I commend you to listen to the episode before you answer!
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Thanks for listening to the show and please keep your guest suggestions coming!