Mastering Risk Management Podcast
Leading practitioners in risk management share their knowledge and experiences. In each episode we'll cover topical risk issues or interview a leader in the field. Feedback and input are always welcome - tell us who you'd like to hear from and what subjects are of particular interest. Enjoy! Audio track: 'Saturn' by Marsel Minga
Mastering Risk Management Podcast
MRM - Episode 84: Pete Grett, Founder and CEO of the Blackrock Group
Almost every organisation on the planet is reliant on a supply chain of some description - and in this episode we unpack the challenges and major developments that have affected supply chains.
My guest is Pete Grett - Founder and CEO of the Blackrock Group. His career journey is an important part of his backstory, having started his working career as a temp employee in a warehouse.
Something must have struck a chord with Pete as he quickly rose to a leadership career in supply chain operations including senior roles at FedEx.
We touch on some of the 'front of mind' issues challenging supply chain leaders today - shipping incidents that block key supply chain infrastructure for days, weeks or even months, the emergence of artificial intelligence up and down the supply chain and of course, consumer demand for ever faster delivery times.
I really enjoyed this discussion with Pete - I hope you do too.
Get in touch with The Blackrock Group here
Or touch base with Pete at LinkedIn
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Thanks for listening to the show and please keep your guest suggestions coming!